Monday, November 30, 2009

Time to Get Real

Today I am presenting a professional development seminar called "Time to Get Real". The reality of our classrooms will be evident as I can't access Blogger from the room I'm presenting! This often happens to teachers. We attend training and are excited about the possibilities of implementing Web 2.0 into our classrooms. Some of us even go home and spend time getting together a great lesson only to find out when we reach school that our resources are blocked.

I am hoping (have been told!) that the laptops have a different firewall. If this is true, then the attendees may actually be viewing the blog. Here is what I would like you to do:
1.Take the following quiz @

2. Leave me a comment. What have you tried to implement in your classroom? How did it go? What would you like to try (but are scared, can't acces, etc.)? What is stopping you from implementing Web 2.0 in your classroom (access to computers and tools, time, etc.).

Happy Web 2.0!

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