Monday, July 8, 2013

Creating an Online Presence

Today's Meet 

Many educational experts agree that the most essential tool for education today is an online presence. Edutechgeek, Ron Houtman, (@onhoutman; has coined the acronym ATNAPFTS (All Teachers Need A Place For Their Stuff) to connect this concept to the old filing cabinet. 
Elizabeth Roy

In our training today, you will be introduced to some options for creating an online presence, or virtual place for your "stuff".  We will do this in three steps:

  1. Start with the end in mind 
  2. What tools are designed to meet your end goal? Which tools will grow with you?
  3. Play time

Start with the end in mind

How are you using technology? You do you want to use technology? Do you want a place for students and parents to access class news, lessons, assignments and calendars? Are you ready to move to an interactive space? Do you want to start blending your lessons (maybe even have students access and submit some of their lessons and assignments online)? 

Activity: Use an App of your choice on your iPad to create a quick picture of what you envision with your online space. We will share out with the group in 10 minutes (you may use graphics, presentations, or quick notes; this is not a contest!)

Tool Options

Tool options will be influenced by the technology students have access to in your classroom and at home, including Internet access. We will explore the following:

Activity: Each group chooses a tool. Watch video of how tool operates. Create a brief presentation (preferably using iPad, but can be oral) that explains to the group how the tool works with at least one way that students could use the tool in the classroom.

Play Time  

  • Examples of tools
  • Compatibility with iPad
  • Teacher use/vs. Student use

Wrapping It Up

  • Advantages of Google Apps and Moodle as a district
  • Utilize School webpage as point of entry
  • Needs assessment for implementation (use Blog comment feature)

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