Monday, November 26, 2012

Project Showcase

One of the highlights of my experience at Edcamp Bluewater was a lively discussion about Project Based Learning and the difference between assigning projects and project based learning. I have some ideas about how to tweak my quarters to reflect the difference. In the meantime, my library science students culminating project from Quarter 1 was to create a public service announcement for Banned Books week. They studied intellectual freedom, the 1st amendment and its application to the school library throughout the quarter by reading a book that was on the ALA banned/challenged list and following a book challenge from the Miami Dade school district that went all the way to the Supreme Court. The following are the two best examples from the student submissions. They used the CogDogRoo site to choose the best digital format for their PSA. I look forward to using these as promotional material during Banned Books Week 2013. Nice job Andria and Kristen!

Andria's Banned Books Week PSA

Kristen's Banned Books Week PSA

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