High School Reading
A former principal tweeted me a very interesting article (thank you Mr. Case!) about how high school makes kids hate reading. It's an interesting read and I can't argue with many of the points. However, it is a fact that literature and developing the skills of literary criticism are part of the English curriculum. And should be! What we need to focus on and allow time for is choice reading. Unfortunately this can become a difficult task when many schools are forced by our tough economic time to reduce library staffing or eliminate it all together. Today as classes come to the library we are going to start our discussion by looking at the 4 ways high schools make kids hate reading. And then break all the rules by going around those 4 assumptions. Starting with the students helping me write my book order. Here's to choice reading!
AHS students, please post your suggestions for new books below. You can post specific titles or topics that you would like to have available for choice reading. Take control of your high school reading!